What am I doing?

What am I doing?
Really. I conscientiously decided years ago not to learn how to shoot photos. My brother is a pro photographer johnheredia.com ; my wife can hang with best of them Set Out Running.
So why bother??
Well here I go -- I'll take the challenge, but there will be no editing of the shot, no cropping, and no use of fancy apps.
Equipment? my IPhone's camera.
Aperture? huh?
Lens? There's one in my eye, right?
That's it -- me and the IPhone and I will tell the tale of what goes on in this crazy ride of life -- at least my little part of it.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 47 -- Sachey, Chantey

I decided it was high time to get the dog into the blog as the cats had been featured already.  You would think that a dog whose busiest moment of the day is getting up to get something to eat would lay still and let a photo be taken. But no. It appears she was going to work it for the camera.

Finally, she moves from one bed to another. Don't strain yourself pooch
Not exactly the shot I was hoping for, but here she is. Work it!

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