What am I doing?

What am I doing?
Really. I conscientiously decided years ago not to learn how to shoot photos. My brother is a pro photographer johnheredia.com ; my wife can hang with best of them Set Out Running.
So why bother??
Well here I go -- I'll take the challenge, but there will be no editing of the shot, no cropping, and no use of fancy apps.
Equipment? my IPhone's camera.
Aperture? huh?
Lens? There's one in my eye, right?
That's it -- me and the IPhone and I will tell the tale of what goes on in this crazy ride of life -- at least my little part of it.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 58 -- I'm Outta Here

So a couple of Saturdays after the incident, my buddy Mims and I went cruising the pawn shops in the seedier areas of town. Oh the stories we can tell and did tell.  I may post a shot from the adventure on another "day."  Afterwards we went to watch the SEC championship game and Mike Goldman came by.  At some point Mike used a child's toy to illustrate his liver's relationship with the rest of him. Yes, it does appear that his liver is a sophisticate  -- sporting a hat and briefcase.

This past Sunday - return to the Rock!!! (see day 54) as the Archers of Loaf reunion tour landed in Atlanta for three nights.  After it was over this is what remained.  Mike's liver was not in attendance.

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