What am I doing?

What am I doing?
Really. I conscientiously decided years ago not to learn how to shoot photos. My brother is a pro photographer johnheredia.com ; my wife can hang with best of them Set Out Running.
So why bother??
Well here I go -- I'll take the challenge, but there will be no editing of the shot, no cropping, and no use of fancy apps.
Equipment? my IPhone's camera.
Aperture? huh?
Lens? There's one in my eye, right?
That's it -- me and the IPhone and I will tell the tale of what goes on in this crazy ride of life -- at least my little part of it.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day 10 -- Country Roads

Back at the old stomping grounds today. Always a great experience professionally and personally.
Years before I ever practiced there, Bartow County built their new courthouse. The old one remains. The gold dome.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Day Eight --This Old House

Can we build it? Yes we can?? Can we??
We embarked today on our "we will facelift the downstairs bath before Halloween" project. Complete with painting, dry walling, electrical and lots of mystery road bumps I'm sure.
The fish -- however shall remain.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Day Seven -- Idle

Finally!! The shot to remember this momentous week. We have five more weeks to go and it requires me getting up even earlier to get chile early to do the carpool hosting. But you know idle hands are the devil's workshop. Hope she doesn't pass out from all the carbon monoxide from the idling cars

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day Six -- Jennifa oh Jenny

At the High they have a new exhibit. It is basically a lot of modern art from MOMA - Warhol Picasso Pollack etc. Good stuff and if you have not had a chance to see it up where they normally live before -- well you should go.
This was a special opening night party we had been invited to. They actually had Prince Paul from De La Soul spinning the lap top for the party. He played some good ones too!!!
For unknown reasons they don't stop you from taking photos of the art. So yeah I could have taken a shot of a Mondrian but come on, he was in De La Soul!!!! Plug 4!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day Four -- They grow up so fast

This was supposed to be a shot of the child helping with carpool. See, when they get to a certain grade the older kids help get the kids out of the car at morning carpool. For the next 6 weeks the child's class is up. She was psyched -- I was sad. It seemed not too long ago we would talk about when she would get to do carpool.
I was going to take my shot and I looked in my rear view at a dad who was obviously agitated I was not moving on. Here's the shot I took in my haste too move along.
Oh well there is tomorrow.
And yes ...... Still waiting.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Day Three -- In A Fog

Wanted to give the blogger app a try. I know it's got mixed reviews but what a perfect thing to do when you're sitting around waiting. I often do some waiting.
Here the first Monday in October drive to school/work. That's pure precipitation clouding the way. How I feel sometimes at that hour of the morning.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day Two -- Shiny Shiny

As some of you may know, the family spent a lot of time at the Horizon Theater this time last year -- October through December. Well we're back but for different activities this time. Ahhhh, those old familiar lights (Day 45 - 2010). Shiny Shiny!!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Day One -- Welcome Back!!

Welcome Back! Man, has it really been over two months since Mike's Liver made an appearance?  WOW!!
So I have decided to start the year over again on the anniversary of when the "photo" blog first started.  Ahhh . . . . it seems like yesterday that it was above seasonal temperatures at Hoptoberfest and Mr. Rainey said "Hello" (see Day Numero Uno (2010)).
So in honor of "return to the blog" -- new rules.  It will still be primarily photos shot on my Iphone -- like I personally even own a camera -- but on the days I forget to get a shot or don't get a shot - so be it!! I may grab an old photo off of my IPhone; I may just blab; or it may just be a date heading. I will try to take photos daily and come close to contemporaneously posting them with comment. It's the stopping to see the world around you that may have made this even remotely interesting the first time around.
Here we go .............
Why not start at the Brick Store??? (see Day Trois (2010)). This time the air was indeed .....crisp. I don't think it even got to 60 degrees.  Pull out the coats and drink something hearty and dark. Cheers! here's to "do overs."

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 58 -- I'm Outta Here

So a couple of Saturdays after the incident, my buddy Mims and I went cruising the pawn shops in the seedier areas of town. Oh the stories we can tell and did tell.  I may post a shot from the adventure on another "day."  Afterwards we went to watch the SEC championship game and Mike Goldman came by.  At some point Mike used a child's toy to illustrate his liver's relationship with the rest of him. Yes, it does appear that his liver is a sophisticate  -- sporting a hat and briefcase.

This past Sunday - return to the Rock!!! (see day 54) as the Archers of Loaf reunion tour landed in Atlanta for three nights.  After it was over this is what remained.  Mike's liver was not in attendance.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 57 - Drive

Alright already -- I will get back on this mission. I actually have been taking photos on the IPhone and thinking about the blog.  I have felt recombobulated this summer - like it's back to "normal." When I drive up to the new house I actually finally feel at home.  The drive in the photo above was about 10 days after the incident. You would think enough was enough, but I had a flat tire a few days after the incident and had to get it repaired at a particular store. As I left I noticed the skies and took this shot.  There was a great smoke stack in the background but was unable to get in the shot and risk running off the road- that would have just been adding major insult to injury.

I drove over 8 hours this past weekend out of state. Five hours plus to get there and right over three and a half hours to get back -- don't ask. While at the destination I got these shots of the child and a really cool dawg. I will keep trying to post old shots with the new.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 56 -- Slap it on the Egg

So really this is Day 55 or it was supposed to be but now it's not because as part of the greatest hits it is Day 56. It circular,  like the Planet of the Apes.
I digress. This photo was taken at Thanksgiving. How green is green? As green as the Big Green Egg.  When in doubt, slap it on the Egg.
(processed by some app on my phone)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 55 -- Rebirth!!!

It is spring officially and it's time for rebirth!!! You can taste the pollen in the air.  Heck you can already start to see the yummy yellow pine pollen on the cars.  May I have a Claritin please.
Well my last post was the day before Thanksgiving, November 24, 2010. As many of you know an incident occurred in my family's life that turned our little world upside down. I had mixed feelings about starting this up again.  Over the last four months little things happened that prompted me to think about the blog. A little while back I found my Thanksgiving Day photo that was saved in my email account and last week I actually went through the blog and read it for the first time. It made me reflect how one incident that lasted maybe 15 minutes can knock you off the track that one is on. I did say above in the intro that it was the "crazy ride of life".
Thanks to those who reached out and let me know you missed the blog.  Thanks to all the friends and family who supported us over the last four months.
Something clicked today after I dropped of the child at school. It happened in a flash  -- that despite the boxes that need to be unpacked, the renovations, the work piling up at the office, I needed to get back on track -- REBIRTH!!!
So here I am on the road to get back on track (see Day 32 and Day 39)
The next few posts will be "Greatest Hits -- Double Live Gonzo!!!" I will post shots from the last four months that are on my IPhone as I get back into the groove.
Hope you will enjoy them.