What am I doing?

What am I doing?
Really. I conscientiously decided years ago not to learn how to shoot photos. My brother is a pro photographer johnheredia.com ; my wife can hang with best of them Set Out Running.
So why bother??
Well here I go -- I'll take the challenge, but there will be no editing of the shot, no cropping, and no use of fancy apps.
Equipment? my IPhone's camera.
Aperture? huh?
Lens? There's one in my eye, right?
That's it -- me and the IPhone and I will tell the tale of what goes on in this crazy ride of life -- at least my little part of it.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 54 -- Viva La Rock!!!

If you had asked me between 1993-1998 to list my top 5 bands, one would have continuously made the list -- indie rock gods --Superchunk.
I loved their hooks in their melodies and in the guitar; their energy on stage and on record; and the fact that they stood for what was the last great period of independent music (at least in my opinion - give me a loud guitar over a lap top any day). Somewhere along the way as they grew up and slowed down I "grew up" and went into my "Americana" phase.   Nothing wrong with that  -- discovered a few great bands in that genre (Wilco, Old 97s, Whiskeytown) but gone was that energy and sense of desperation in the lyrics and music.
So you can imagine my joy when I heard they were getting together to record a new record and that they would be back on the road.  It seems that we are at the age when that genre regroups and tours again -- Jesus Lizard, Pavement, Guided By Voices -- I am not complaining at all, it's better than the Flock of Seagulls and Naked Eyes.  Looking forward to the shows. And the new record -- excellent! -- Here's to you power tube cartoon man!!!! (from the CD insert).

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 53 -- We Can't See You?

Animals are supposed to have some survival instinct.  Right?
This is Bella the once notoriously shy cat.  So shy that people didn't even think we had her as a pet.  We'd ask friends to feed our cat(s) while we were out of town and when we inquired upon return how THEY did - a puzzled look would come over our friends' faces.
On this morning Bella plopped herself right in the middle of the thoroughfare.  Plopped being accurate as Bella is on the heavy side. The child pointed out that Bella was doing a terribly poor job of hiding. If she was in the wild, she would easily fall victim to an owl or a hawk - that is, if the bird could pick her oversized figure up.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 52 -- City View II

Okay so it didn't work too well (see Day 24)

Blurry, cloudy .............................
ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR  (Pictured: Downtown Atlanta at 5:15 pm)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 50 -- Okay I Give

If you have been following ,you know I get taken aback with all the Christmas Hoopla that I have been finding my self knee deep in coming so early in the year.  Today we went to see the child peform some tunes from her musical at Atlantic Station. The occasion this evening? -- the lighting of the Atlantic Station Christmas tree. The air was cool, lights covered trees and wire animals, the 5 piece horn section played Christmas carols, and there was a tree with 200,000 lights as tall as a skyscraper.  Okay I give, the holidays are here.
And while I could have posted photos I took of the child, the following parade of lights seemed to fit the theme better.
Go Rudy!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 49 -- Daddy, does the the Jagey come in a Sippy Cup

Stovall -- a night out on the town.
One young man leading the charge -- zoom in -- so cute. But I know he was perusing the bourbon selection.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 48 -- Still Life With Gel

What do you keep in your kitchen? bananas, hot chocolate, paper towels,  . . . a tub load of hair gel (pictured: bananas, hot chocolate, paper towels, a tub load of hair gel -- not posed)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 47 -- Sachey, Chantey

I decided it was high time to get the dog into the blog as the cats had been featured already.  You would think that a dog whose busiest moment of the day is getting up to get something to eat would lay still and let a photo be taken. But no. It appears she was going to work it for the camera.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 46 -- He Loves to Rawk!!! (El Stachio)

My very good amigo, Andres Galdames, explains that it is Movember and hence he is growing the "Mo" as a symbol for awareness of men's health issues.
I say that if you know Andres  --  the Mo is Apropos.

Day 45 -- Oh Man!

8:29 PM and I am picking up the child from rehearsal.
No photo today!! I take this shot of the lights.
8:30 PM --  guess who posts a picture of the lights on her blog????
Oh Man!! well that's all I got - shiny shiny!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 44 -- Try it, you will like

Seriously, if you have not been to Morelli's  . . . mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm good stuff. Took the child there after rehearsal.  In having to watch bad stuff these days, I had the only slightly healthy thing they had. (mango yogurt -- quite good actually).  During my selection process the Morelli's rep stated, and I quote, "Wait we also have some gelatos.  They are made with whole milk and not cream"  Translated, in my head, we might not have to get the paddles out.
Child?? one scoop of mint chocolate; one scoop salt caramel; all in a waffle cone, hand dipped in chocolate and sprinkles.  Ahhhh youth!!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 43 -- Here Leezard, Leezard

Saturday night!! Time to get dressed up and enjoy a pint or two of Guinness and bop to the sounds of the revamped Lizardmen featuring friends Kevin Elrod (right) and Mike Meyer (left).

Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 42 -- Really, whose bright idea . . .

You are designing an exercise room and this is the color you paint the walls??? Nice choice of red. Are you trying to incite a riot?  Maybe instead of lifting the weights I am supposed to hurl them through the walls.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 41 - Travellin' in the country

Well damnit, I came on Sunday cuz the sign clearlee sez "Church of Christ Meets Here."
It seems its musical churches in Coweta county.  We meet here when we are not relocating.

There were several shots I took as I drove through the country side. Always good subject matter.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 40 -- Everything is big at Costco

You probably already know that you can get toilet paper there packaged so that you can clean a herd of elephants' bottoms.  These are Christmas ornaments the size of your head. Be careful not to drop one!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 39 -- Daylight Savings Time

What a difference a shift back to real time and away from artifiicial goverment created time makes.  I can see clearly now the Daylight Savings Time is gone. 
See the previous ride in (Day 32)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 38 -- What we don't pay attention to

This a shot from the ground level lobby at the Fulton County Courthouse. It is the glass ceiling over the sculptures that live in the lobby. It was my intent to capture the sculptures but as I was shooting the sculptures I saw the artwork on the ceiling. I never had really noticed it before. 
I was hoping to capture somone walkin on up on walk way of the first floor on the right but I had to get on to my destination.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 37 --Oops I did it again

So Hipstamatic - the hip app that everyone uses with their IPhone except I don't really cause I said I wouldn't -- released the Salvador Dali bonus pack or something like that.  Well I am a huge Dali fan!!! My college band's biggest "hit" was a song that I wrote as a tribute to him. The name of the song? .....................................................wait for it ............................................................................................
.............. Salvador Dali.
Anyway, after I downloaded and piggy backed for free (see Day 19 ) -- Oops I took a shot. This may not even be the Dali pack at work but this is where I spent a great deal of that Sunday afternoon.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 36 -- It's beginning to feel a lot like

Maybe it just my memory, but I thought when I was growing up, that it all turned to Christmas the Friday after Thanksgiving. I heard from a friend of mine that the Rite Aid had their Christmas selections up before Halloween.  Well, I guess after you celebrate the Day of the Dead and Witch's Weekeend you get to break out the mistletoe and channel jolly old Saint Nick ....... Get out of the way Thanksgiving!!!! It's Christmas.
Here, the City of Decatur does it part to guide Rudolph to Atlanta.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 35 -- Pony go boom

The child had a friend over for a sleep over.  The pony appears to have been a casualty of their play.  Pony go boom.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Dia 34 - La Guitarra y el Gato

So accidently arty. Here is the other cat (see Day 11) Pippin. He knows he is arty.  After I took this shot he got up and actually played the guitar. Really.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 32 -- The ride in

Another idea for a series. I mean 365 days is a long time.  It's a year to be exact.  This is a photo from the ride in in the mornings. Like the view from my office (see day 24), I want to take the shot at different times of year and in different weather; maybe different speeds, different gears. Wait maybe this isn't safe.